Friday, May 5, 2017

"The Complete Zap Comix: "is it possible for something to be too good?"

Complete ZAP Comix

Got $500?  Here's a hefty 2014 collection from the Atomic Books site. You may have  to wait in line for a second edition, though -- the first run is already sold out. The Complete Zap Comix is designed by Victor Moscoso and edited by Eric Reynolds, and there are still copies available at the original price.

"Is it possible for something to be too good?  If so, this deluxe set of complete Zap Comix might just be it. This is the most important comics collection to be released in years - bringing together the complete run of the Robert Crumb-created underground comix version of MAD Magazine. It features comics by Crumb as well as S. Clay Wilson, Robert Williams, Gilbert Shelton, Spain Rodriguez, Rick Griffin and so many others. This set is worth every penny of its price tag."

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