"In the God's Dreams"
(James Laughlin)
Am I a character in the dreamsof the god Hermes the messenger?Certainly many of my dreamshave nothing to do with thecommon life around me. Thereare never any automobiles orairplanes in them. Thesedreams belong to an age inthe distant past, to a timeperhaps when nothing waswritten down, to thetime of memory.
I chose Hermes not out ofvanity but because from whatI’ve read about him he had apretty good time, was notjust a drunkard on Olympus.In his traipsings deliveringdivine messages he must havemet some pretty girls whogave him pleasure. We knowthat he invented the lyrefor the benefit of poets,and Lucian relates in hisDialogues of the Dead thathe was the god of sleepand dreams.
My dreams are not frightening,they are not nightmares. Buttheir irrationality puzzlesme. What is Hermes trying totell me? Is he playing a gamewith me? Last Monday nightI dreamt about a school foryoung children who had headsbut no bodies. Last night itwas a cow that was gallopingin our meadow like a horse.Another night, and this onewas a bit scary, I swam acrossthe lake with my head underwater, I didn’t have to breathe air.
What is the message of thesedreams? Into what kind of worldis Hermes leading me? It’s notthe world described daily in theNew York Times. A world ofshadows? A kind of levitation?
How can I pray to Hermes to layoff these senseless fantasies,tell him that I want real dreamssuch as my shrink can explicate.
I’ve looked up lustration inthe dictionary. Its definitionis not encouraging: “a prefatoryceremony, performed as a preliminaryto entering a holy place.” That’stoo impersonal. I want a man-to-mantalk with Hermes, telling him tostop infesting my nights withhis nonsense.
"In the God's Dreams" by James Laughlin appeared in his 1996 collection Poems New and Selected. Laughlin was the founder of New Directions Press, and early on published writers as varied as William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Elizabeth Bishop, Henry Miller, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and E. E. Cummings, as well as Nabokov, Kafka, Borges and Hesse. He suffered from depression, as did other members of his family; "Experience of Blood" is a short poem about the suicide of his son. Since Laughlin's death at 83 in 1997 a series of his letters to Thomas Merton, Delmore Schwartz, and others has been published. One of Laughlin's most anthologized works is "Step on His Head", a poem about his relationship with his children: Let's step on daddy's head shout / the children my dear children as / we walk in the country on a sunny / summer day ...
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