Monday, March 12, 2012

Jack Kerouac, born March 12, 1922

To my Brother

Carry On!

-- N.L. Cassady

(from a letter, March 7, 1947)


TSK said...

What a kick! I had no idea it was his birthday. I saw a terrific documentary on DVD a few nights ago: One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Kerouac's Big Sur. Completely engrossing. I immediately bought Big Sur and I'm reading it now (I confess I never read it before; I read a fair amount of Kerouac back in the day, but I somehow missed this).

M Bromberg said...

Was in Philly for a few days visiting some S.U. college friends (1974 ... Wow. Tempis fugit and all that) and we got talking about Kerouac history. All of us had read "Town & City" in the last five years but none of us have read "Big Sur." Guess I'll dig up a copy. Recommended: "Neal Cassady Collected Letters 1944-1967."