Here are excerpts from a collection featuring the art and transcriptions of Philip Whalen, with an introduction by Brian Unger, appearing in the current online journal Big Bridge. As Unger is careful to point out, "no subsequent edition of any original work is ever final or complete. And no new edition is ever a substitute for the original. The textual history of a worthwhile literary work necessarily continues, and continues, and continues." This is especially true when dealing with a hand-written and illustrated manuscript in what Unger refers to as Whalen's "arrighi calligraphy style." For more of Whalen's work, there is Michael Rothenberg's large volume The Collected Poems of Philip Whalen, published by Wesleyan University Press (2007). Most of these poems appearing at Big Bridgehave not been previously available.
From Brian Unger's introduction: The following excerpts and images from the journals of Philip Whalen have been transcribed and reproduced from the poet's archive in the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley. For the material featured here in Big Bridge, I selected a brief but fascinating section from one of the 'Kyoto Notebooks' found in the Notebooks, 1957 – arrighi 1990, Box 1, folder 10. Physically, this particular object is rather typical for Whalen, one of those small writing tablets with a faux marble cover, 8" by 10", common in elementary and secondary school classrooms in the 1950s and 60s.If you are a fan of Philip Whalen's work the journals are a profound joy to peruse, and if you are a student of the Beat Generation or of American Buddhist literature, these journals are an indispensable lens into the life of a late 20th century American Zen monk-poet and his circle. Whalen's journals embody a literary project far removed from, for example, The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton, written around the same time. In retrospect, Merton's ruminations and meditations seem to reflect the positivist, ecumenical optimism of the period in American Zen dominated by Columbia University lecturer D.T. Suzuki (1870-1966). ...OM VAGĪŚVARI MŪM8 : IX : 67ran lunatic in the midst of our canoeing trip, had to tie himup & sit on him in the bottom of the canoe in the daytime, tiehim to a tree at night and he kept talking and laughing and cussingthe whole time we put a gag on him one night so we could get some restfrom his noise but pretty soon he had eaten and swallowed it all some wayor other we were afraid to try that again because he might get all fouledup with all the cloth inside then he had to get loose a couple times andwe almost lost him completely hunting for him through the brush and timberwe never would have found him except for his talking and we never did catchhim asleep from the time he first started acting funnyPhilip Whalen10 : IX : 67Dreams of all my family at the cabinin the woods, from the time the car turnsoff the highway the clay bank hillside andferns appear as in passing lighthouse beamthen down sloping fir tree tunnel andso to the house. Who was driving thecar? Dick Anderson, Clarence Thompson—a friend of mine they never saw, orsome friend from earlier school dayswe arrive, my grandmother is delighted,all the rest jostling and roaring perusualJust now I read my mother'sName in a poem by the Earl of Rochester,Pepsicola in Japan.TRIBUTEto Wallace Stevens. I never shouldhave left the U.S.A. without copies ofall his poems.
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