His Holiness the Dalai Lama is currently visiting Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Complete event and live webcast information at http://dalailama.emory.edu/.
His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, a Presidential Distinguished Professor at Emory University, began a three-day visit to the university Oct. 17. At a press conference on Sunday, Emory President James W. Wagner presented the Dalai Lama with four new English/Tibetan science textbooks.
The presentation is the latest development in the Robert A. Paul Emory-Tibet Science Initiative. ETSI brings together the best of Western science and Tibetan Buddhist intellectual traditions to create new knowledge for the benefit of humanity. Emory faculty work with Tibetan Buddhist scholars to create a science curriculum for Tibetan monastics. Here's more information about Tuesday's webcast scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. ET
Artists in Conversation with the Dalai Lama about Spirituality and Creativity
How do the arts help us to express, or indeed to uncover, our spiritual yearnings and questions or certainties? What do the artist and the spiritual master have to teach each other from their respective disciplines? What is the role of tradition (or, conversely, iconoclasm) in maintaining or renewing art and spiritual life? Is the human being innately spiritual, innately artistic?
Internationally known humanitarian and award-winning actor Richard Gere will join Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker for "The Creative Journey: Artists in Conversation with the Dalai Lama on Spirituality and Creativity" at Emory University on Oct. 19. The event is part of His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama's return visit to the Emory campus in his capacity as Presidential Distinguished Professor.
For more information: http://dalailama.emory.edu/2010/index.html
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