Sunday, April 23, 2017

National Poetry Month: Terry Kattleman

"The I Bing: The Book of Exchanges #1" (Terry Kattleman)

Hexagram 1: Ch’ien—The Creative
Dry dollars the ninth
day of every month. Hidden
dragon: do not use.
Tin dragon: do see
adults. A gentleman’s dry
all day, a watchful
tiger, no blame in
a guilt-free sky, flying deep
in time. Concubine
logistics work the
engine; a good long hang will
also benefit.
Vigorous thing to
do: announcing sufficient
justice is solid
enough, without the
stuffy, boring music, so
one cannot worry
the contrary; it
cannot be drawn. Evil is
good governance and
easy, great virtue.
The faithful German course is
inferior and
without pride. Be dry,
dry and watchful, and despite
adversity, be
without blame of cloud.
Disaster preparedness
is world governance.
The United States
is energy potential,
the poles of temperament,
leather together.
The Ephesians! Pure
essence of imperial
days, benevolent
evidence, latent,
but implicit, the seasons
of order. Play the
bypass and breach the
ghost of Robert Frost for good
or ill luck. Knowledge
in its turn, but do
not know the dead, and do not
know death. Only saints
advance and retreat
in life and death. Only saints
advance and retreat.
[Original Chinese (auto-detected as Chinese Simplified) via Bing translator]

If the word is a virus, according to Burroughs, it is always subject to a series of recombinant permutations: the artist is free to manipulate the word as any substance and from any source. THE BOOK OF HAIKU REVELATION is the home of Terry S. Kattleman's Bingian Translational Reanalysis. In his own incantory words: Gysinian Haikuistics® (aka The Process™) is a constrained volitional cut-up methodology formulated by Terry S. Kattleman, Moriarty dean of the Department of Poetic Assemblage, College of Etheric Arts, Interzone University, and Chief Executive Offertory of the Society for Bingian Translational Reanalysis. Bingian Translational Reanalysis™ is a modality of language permutation contingent upon erratic Internet translation procedures. Deus Ex Logos Machina. Note on quote formation: Quasi-quotations, registered with the Patagonian Patent Office as Squotations™ (an e-adaptation of “misquotation”), are constructed entirely from the selected Internet quote site content of the quotee (see Incitements).

Kattleman is currently publicity director/production editor at the literary magazine Confrontation. In addition to the Death Palette Trilogy, he is the author of It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Ka-ching): A History of Federal Jazz Policy.

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