Saturday, June 8, 2013

Naropa University archive is now online: a list with links, from The Allen Ginsberg Project


Great news! Naropa's extraordinary audio archive (hitherto hosted as part of the estimable Internet Archive) has now been upgraded, refurbished and newly-hosted by Naropa University The JKS (Jack Kerouac School) audio collection (part of a wider collection held by the university) is now available and ready for on-line exploration and practical use here 

Close to 2,000 (1,925) recordings are now immediately accessible. (A further 1,500 - 1, 800 more have been digitalized and will subsequently be made available - and this is just the JKS component!).

As Naropa, on their web-site, declare:  

"The Naropa University Digital Archive is an ongoing project to preserve the institutional heritage of our university by making available all institutional audio and video files created from our inception in 1974 up through today. This collection will continue to grow as new recordings are created every year and will include audio and video from every program Naropa University offers."

An astonishing trove of material (we'll be drawing from it extensively in the months (years) ahead). 
We asked Archivist, Nicholas Weiss, and Archival Processor, Ani Thubten Palmo, to come up with a few (select) gems, half a dozen or so, just to give a taste. This is what they selected:

Allen Ginsberg and David Henderson - from the  Naropa Wednesday Night Poetry Series June 24, 1981 - here

Allen Ginsberg, Jim Nisbet and Peter Lamborne Wilson (with Introduction by Anne Waldman and Bobbie Louise Hawkins), June 18, 1996 - here

From The Jack Kerouac Conference: Kerouac in the 80's, June 1, 1982 - Timothy Leary (Introduced by Diane di Primahere

Letters To The New Century - three talks (given in 2001) by the late great Anselm Holloherehere, and here

and, June 18, 2009 - the Summer Writing Program Faculty Reading (with Anselm Hollo, Junior Burke,Janine Pommy Vega, Samuel R Delany and A.B.Spellman  (with Introductions by Bobbie Louise Hawkins and Akilah Oliver) - here

Wonderful to be able to report this news. Happy hunting!

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