Friday, April 27, 2012

National Poetry Month: Loria Taylor

"On Friendly Terms"(Loria Taylor) 

How’s this for dirt.
You know about the first time. 
No need to reiterate.
The chair was fun.
The couch was okay.
The car had its charm.
The bed was nice.
On my knees was not. Remember how I made you choose whether you wanted me to give you attention or get your towel wet by putting it under my knees in the shower because I was tired of getting bruises. Remember how you actually paused to consider which would be better or worse.
The best I ever had was on your bathroom counter. The soap was rattling, unseen objects crashing, as you were going going going ‘til gone. To this day, despite however I think of you, I am quite fond your bathroom.
The dirtiest thing I ever did was fake it.
The dirtiest thing I ever did was take it.

LORIA TAYLOR will be reading this Saturday at the event featuring poets published by Sibling Rivalry Press, sponsored by the Georgia Center for the Book.  Her recently published collection SOB has been described as "malingering, funny, and self-aware," and her poetry as "sometimes braying, sometimes embarrassingly funny:" The doctors might as well confirm for clinical analysis what I’ve always known / I’ll be the death of me." Her website is Ramblings of a Medicated Lady. The reading is free and open to the public, and will be held at the Decatur Library (215 Sycamore Street, Decatur, GA 30030). 

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